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21 MARCH 2011

6 de ABRIL de 2011

Another initiative of the Faculty of Law at Universidade Católica Portuguesa - Escola de Lisboa will be starting at 2 p.m. on 6 April. The idea is to inform upper secondary school teachers and students, education specialists and potential applicants about the faculty and its law degree. FIND naturally wanted to be part of the event.

It will certainly be a full, informative afternoon, during which teachers and candidates will have hands-on experience of everyday life in the Law Faculty at Universidade Católica. They will be able to visit its facilities, attend a mock class and participate in information sessions on applications for 2011/2012. They will have the opportunity to socialise with present students at an informal tea party that is sure to be lots of fun!

All good reasons for being there!

Enrolments for students and teachers: